How To Make a Effective Time Table For Studies-
As we know all the students want a magic trick by which they can get
success in their exams. Magic may work in Magic Shows, not in real life.
But what we are going to tell you will surely give success to all those
students who are going to follow these tips.
Examination is a race of your knowledge with time. Time plays a key role in our success path.
Let’s talk some important point which works in time management.
In this phase you can write all those subjects which you have to
complete before the exams. Make sure you add all the subjects which you
haven’t completed yet.
Now you have to give priority to all the subjects which you note down
in the graph. Give high priority to those subjects which you feel that
they are difficult to study. And lowest priority to those subjects which
you can prepare easily any time.
As we know some peoples do their best in morning time and some do in
evening. So same in that way you also choose which time is good for you,
Means when you feel most energetic and able to give you best output.
It is the important part of your time management you need to divide
the time in that manner in which you give maximum time to high priority
subjects and less time to low priority subjects. Always study most
priority subject in your energetic time.
Always set a date or a time to complete a chapter or subject. And
make sure you don’t feel pressure, take it lightly but focus on the
target and try to achieve.
If you feel some topics are tough and you will not be able to
complete it without help. Note it in a list and must ask your parents or
subject teacher. Do not leave any topic, may be it will come in exam
and you lose your marks because of this.
So follow this and get ready for success. To all the students we wishes all the best for their studies.
If you have some other query related to studies you are free to ask us by giving your comments below in the comment box.
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